If the domain you want is already taken, we can offer alternative spellings and extensions. You may notice a drop-down menu on the search box that suggests similar domain names. For example, you might be able to select a .info or .net extension, rather than .com. Or you can review domains with extensions unique to your idea, such as .studio or .design.
Search for your domain using the ‘domain search field’ from the homepage of shop.compactdigitalmarketing.com When you find the domain name you want and it’s available to register, add it to the cart and complete checkout. Some domain names may come back with a price higher than expected. These domains are known as premium domains, and they are considered valuable domain real estate. Premium domains might be more expensive, but the benefits often make up for the initial cost investment.
Yes! During registration, you’ll need to provide your contact information. Compact Digital Marketing automatically hides your name, street address, phone number and email address in the WHOIS directory for every registered domain name. We strongly encourage upgrading to a higher level of domain protection to further protect your identity and your entire online presence.
Your online presence is a collection of different elements, including your domain name, website or hosted content and email address. Domains, websites and business email are all pieces of a strong brand. In order to have a professional email address and website there must be a domain. Visitors get to your website by entering your domain in their browser’s address bar, and they send emails to your custom address. You can have a domain without an email address or website, but you can’t have an email address or website without a domain.
You can transfer your domain to Compact Digital Marketing from another registrar. You’ll need to prepare your domain name with your current Domain Name registrar before completing this process.
1) Unlock the domain name with your current registrar.
2) Get an authorization code (also known as an EPP code or transfer key) from your current registrar.
3) Verify contact information on your domain name. The administrator’s contact information may be used by your current registrar during the transfer process.
4) Initiate the transfer. Once you’ve prepared your domain name, you can finish the process through Compact Digital’s (Web Design Division).
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